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时间:2023-03-11 08:45:07 来源:网友投稿






1.复习巩固单词:woman, man, student, boy, girl。

复习巩固句型:who"s that man/woman/boy? he"s/she"s…

2.学会唱the cat is from the uk。

3.能够在find and circle活动中找出含a, e, i的单词,并大声读出来。




会根据图片和句型谈论sarah"s family。






教师和学生一起唱the cat is from the uk,来认识这只可爱的小猫,从而进一步巩固所学形容词。




step 1: warm-up/revision




(1)dad, bag, panda, what is the same sound? which letter sounds //?

(2)ten, leg, pencil, what is the same sound? which letter sounds /e/?…

step 2: presentation

look and tick.




4.两人一组看图说话:find sarah"s family. who is not here?


人教pep版四年级英语下册unit 4单元教案



1.能听、说、认读单词:these, tomatoes, try, carrots并掌握名词复数及其对应的发音。


what are these?

are they/these…?进行对话练习。



1.掌握单词these, tomatoes, try, carrots。










教师让同学们分角色表演let"s talk部分的对话,创设英语情景,让同学感受英语的语言氛围。



what are these?

are these apples?

are these tomatoes? yes.



step 1: warm-up

1.教师热情地和学生打招呼问好,做简单的free talk。

2.播放歌曲mary has a little lamb。


教师展示图片(已经学过的动物名词),说:what"s this in english?it"s a/an… how do you spell it?让学生一个接一个地快速说出对应的单词及其拼写。


5.main scene

(1)学生看书36、37 页,说一说:what can you see in the picture?where are the children?

(2)找一找下列单词的意思:horses, potatoes, carrots, sheep。


there are seventeen sheep on the farm.(对画线部分提问)

are there on the farm?

step 2: presentation

let"s talk

1.教师先将已经学过的动物、蔬菜、水果的图片展示给学生,和学生一起复习,问:what are these?are they…?教师注意指导学生使用名词的单复数形式。

2.教师出示胡萝卜的图片,问学生:what are they?学生回答:they are胡萝卜.教师接着自问自答:what are these?they are carrots.教读单词 these和carrots并板书,让学生认读。同时,学生看图片并跟读句子,理解句子的意思。

3.教师出示西红柿的图片,问学生:are these carrots?学生回答:no.教师肯定学生的回答并说:these are tomatoes.教读单词tomatoes,强调名词复数形式;板书,让学生认读。

4.教师利用实物问学生:are these carrots/tomatoes?学生根据实物回答:yes, they are./no, they aren"t.

5.把图片或实物分发给学生,让他们分组提问:what are these?are these tomatoes/carrots?学生回答,教师给予指导和帮助。

6.让学生听let"s talk的录音,跟读课文。


let"s play


what are these?

are they tomatoes?

yes, they are./no, they aren"t.

2.教师拿出apples, tomatoes, grapes, bananas, strawberries等水果和蔬菜,学生进行对话练习:

―what are these?

―they are tomatoes.

―try some! they are good.

―thanks. yum.

step 3: practice


将学生分成若干组,教师把单词的汉语写在黑板上,然后学生依次说出单词的拼写,如果有学生出错,那么这组学生从头开始(例如:西红柿tomatoes,第一名学生说t, 第二名说o,第三名说m……最后一名学生读出单词并说出汉语)。在单词字母数量一致的情况下,哪组用时最少,哪组就是获胜者。

2.同桌之间分角色利用实物表演let"s talk 的对话。筛选出几组上台表演,教师及时予以鼓励性评价。


教师把水果和蔬菜放在一个不透明的袋子里,一名学生自愿到前面来,通过摸里面的东西猜一猜是什么。下面的学生问:what"s this?/what are these?这名学生闭着眼睛摸出来并回答:it"s a tomato. they are tomatoes.但注意,如果他/她睁眼睛看了,即使答对了,也得不到奖励。


step 4: consolidation


学生以小组为单位开展游戏。前一名学生根据图片或实物问后一名学生,如:学生a问学生b:what are these?学生b回答:they are tomatoes.学生b问学生c:what are these?依次进行,要求学生的训练速度要不断加快。


―what are these?

―they are tomatoes.

―how do you spell it?




教师利用自己的实物,问:are they tomatoes?学生回答:yes, they are./no, they aren"t.they are carrots.通过师生之间及学生之间的互动,加深对新知识的理解,培养学生在生活中运用语言的能力及分析问题并解决问题的能力。

step 5: sum-up


单词: these, tomatoes, try, carrots

句型: what are these?are they/these…?

step 6: homework

1.回家给父母大声朗读let"s talk的对话。




unit 4 at the farm

what are these?

―they are carrots.

―try some! they are good.

―are these carrots?

―no, they aren"t.they are tomatoes.



好处1 纤维质对人体有益。 蔬菜中的纤维质不能被人体的肠胃所吸收,但本身会吸收大量的水分,来增加粪便形成的软度,有益排便。多吃纤维质可以促进身体的"代谢功能,达到控制体重的目的。

好处2 维生素的最佳来源。 蔬菜含有丰富的维生素,其中以维生素c和维生素a最为重要。不过维生素c在烹煮时会大量流失,蔬菜颜色越深绿或深黄,含有的维生素a和维生素c就越多。另外,有一些蔬菜含有丰富的钾、钙、钠、铁质等碱性矿物质,不仅能平稳血液中的酸碱值,也是小朋友生长需要的营养素的重要来源。

好处3 增加饱食感。 蔬菜中的纤维质能增加咀嚼,使饱食感增加,从而减少食物的摄取量,并进而减少热量的摄取。

好处4 整肠健胃,调整体质。 蔬菜中的纤维质能有效促进肠与胃的蠕动,减少食物在肠道停留的时间,减少营养素的吸收并及早协助排出对人体无益的废物。现代人的饮食,摄取加工制品太多,因此更应该多吃蔬菜,健胃整肠,调整血液品质及身体素质。


(1)these a.西红柿

(2)tomatoes b.试一试

(3)carrots c.胡萝卜

(4)try d.这些



本课主要学习问答句型:what are these?are they tomatoes?为了让学生能将所学的语言知识运用好,我设计了“摸一摸”“全班总动员”等活动。在明确的任务目标的驱动下,学生主动参与,对本课的重点句型的理解不断加深,运用起来也越来越得心应手。通过这种活动,学生合作学习的能力与综合运用所学语言知识的能力都得到了提高。此外,学生经过了一段时间的学习,英语有了一定的基础,而且口语也有所提高,这是值得欣慰的地方。不足的地方是,有的学生仍然不能很好地进入学习的状态,对单词和句型掌握得不准确,在今后的教学中,对他们要特别关注。



1.能听、说、认读单词及短语green beans, potatoes, onions, so long, make me cry。

2.会运用句子look at these green beans.they are so long! yes, and the potatoes are big.和同伴进行对话。


4.能说唱let"s chant的内容。


1.掌握单词和词组green beans, potatoes, onions, so long。










教师利用实物tomato, bean, potato, onion进行单词教学。


教师和同学进行“猜一猜”“萨姆说”等游戏,一起巩固本课时的句子:what are these? are these bananas?同时提高学生的英语口语能力。


step 1: warm-up

1.教师热情地和学生打招呼问好,做简单的free talk。

2.男女生对唱歌曲mary has a little lamb。



教师手背到后面,然后迅速地伸到前面说:what"s in my hand?学生问:are they tomatoes?are they carrots?教师用微笑和动作表示,学生会意并回答:yes, they are./no, they aren"t.让学生在紧张而欢乐的氛围中复习上节课内容。

step 2: presentation

let"s learn

1.教师拿出几个西红柿(实物),问:what are these?are these tomatoes?学生回答:yes, they are./no, they aren"t.they are…

2.教师出示豆角图片并问:are they long?学生回答:yes, they are.教师板书green beans。

3.教师出示土豆:are they big?学生回答:yes, they are.教师板书potato,强调它的复数potatoes并领读。


问:what are they? can you guess?学生积极回答,教师给予肯定:they are onions.(拿出洋葱)板书onions,并领读。


教师把东西藏在身后,让学生问:are these/they…?教师回答:yes, they are./no, they aren"t.不但提高了学生的口语表达能力,而且巩固了单词和句型。


以每一纵排为一组进行竞赛,教师先出示一些单词的图片,然后收起来,再从中抽出一张放在身后,由每组的第一名学生轮流猜,可以问:are these books/green beans/tomatoes?回答:yes, they are./no, they aren"t.哪个组猜对了就奖励小贴画,然后继续往下猜,最后得分最多的组为胜。做游戏时,还可以找一名学生来主持。

step 3: practice


活动方式:学生分五组,每组找出一名学生,面对大家站好,教师在他们每人的后背上粘上一个名词(单数或复数)的标签(先让他们记住自己的标签),然后,这五名学生手拉手,围成一个圈圈,并且在前面蹦圈(由慢到快,时间由教师掌握),最后,这五名学生面向大家,分别提问:what are they?are they bananas?看看哪一组的学生记忆力最好,能回答他们的问题,教师要给予奖励贴画。


学生准备实物或图片,教师找一名学生到前面做指挥说:sam says these are tomatoes.然后,学生迅速把西红柿举起来,摇晃着说:tomatoes, tomatoes, i like tomatoes.其中,速度最快的那名学生到前面来做指挥。


the fourth period

teaching aims:

1.review the useful expressions learnt in this unit by practising.

2.improve the students’ reading ability by reading the material.

3.improve the students’ writing ability.

4.enable the students to realize that it is important to protect the estuary.

teaching important points:

1.improve the students’ reading ability by reading the material.

2.improve the students’ writing ability.

teaching difficult point:

how to improve the students’ integrating skills-reading and writing.

teaching methods:

1.fast reading to go through the reading material.

2.inductive method to help students write a paragraph successfully.

teaching aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

teaching procedures:

step Ⅰ greetings

greet the whole class as usual.

step Ⅱ revision

t:yesterday we did some practice about modal verbs.now let’s do some more exercises to see if you have mastered them.please look at the screen.

(teacher uses multimedia to show the exercises on the screen.)

fill in the blanks using must/might/may/can/could and their negative forms.

1.-i saw mary in the street yesterday.

-you ______ have seen her.she is still in australia.

2.-could i use your bike?

-yes,of course you ______.

3.the ground is wet.it ______ have rained last night.

4.a machine ______ think for itself.it ______ be told what to do.

5.tom,don’t play with the valuable bottle.you ______ break it.

suggested answers:

1.can’t 2.can 3.must 4.can’t,must 5.may/might

step Ⅲ fast reading

t:good work.but if we want to use the modal verbs correctly,we must practise them as often as possible.today we will read another passage.the ocean is very important to all the living things,which is known to us,and i think we have also known about the reason why the ocean becomes so important-because of the properties of water,the ocean is very important.the passage we will read is also about water.it deals with “the body of water”.are you interested in the topic?

s1:yes.but what is the meaning of “the body of water”?i think water has no body.

t:good question.i think you can get the answer to the question by yourself.now let’s read the passage.while you are reading,try to make clear what is the main idea of each paragraph.besides,try fast reading,it is helpful to improve your reading ability.

(teacher gives students a few minutes to read the passage.)

t:have you finished your reading?


t:wang lin,are you clear about “the body of water”?

s2:yes.i think “the body of water” means the main part of water.

t:you are great!now who’d like to tell me the main idea of the first paragraph?

s3:an estuary is the body of water where a river meets the ocean.

t:right,thank you for your answer.what about the second one?

s4:let me try.the general idea is that estuaries are great places for nature’s young.

t:wang ping,tell me the main idea of the third paragraph,please!

s5:i’m not sure.i think the third paragraph tells us estuaries are important to animals and plants,so we should try our best to protect them from environmental pollution.am i right?

t:yes.congratulations!there is only the last paragraph left.who can try?

s6:i think the main idea of the last paragraph is that estuaries are also important to human beings because they not only provide recreation and education for us but also contribute to the economy.

step Ⅳ discussion and explanation

t:the general idea of the passage is very clear to us now.now let’s re-read the passage carefully.while you are reading,try to find out the answers to the questions on page 23.if you need,you can have a discussion about them.then i’ll check your answers.

(teacher gives students enough time to read the passage.at the same time,teacher goes among them and helps them express their own opinions in english correctly.)

suggested answers:

1.tides provide energy for the ecosystem,and estuaries are protected from waves and storms by islands.in addition nutrients arrive in estuaries from both the land and the ocean.so estuaries are great places for nature’s young ones.

2.density means the quality of being dense.in other words,there are more living creatures than any other habitat on earth.

3.estuaries can make our water clean by absorbing nutrients and pollutants from water coming from inland sources.

4.the function that estuaries can absorb pollutants and nutrients makes estuaries very sensitive to environmental pollution.

5.estuaries can provide recreation and education for human beings.besides estuaries also contribute to the economy.so they are very important to human beings.

t:well done.now you are very familiar with the passage.

to understand the passage better,i will explain some important phrases.please,look at the blackboard.

(teacher writes the following phrases on the blackboard.)


e.g.the company will provide food and drink for them.

2.have an opportunity to do something

e.g.i had no opportunity to discuss the problem with her yesterday.

3.a variety of

e.g.he left for a variety of reasons.

there are a variety of patterns for you to choose from.

4.contribute to

e.g.his work has contributed to our understanding of this difficult subject.

step Ⅴ writing

t:up to now,we have learnt a lot about water and known the properties of water and importance of estuaries.now you are given an opportunity to check if you know a lot about water.look at the questions on the screen.

(teacher uses multimedia to show the questions on the screen.)

1.why does an ice cube float?

2.what will happen to a piece of metal if you put it in water?

3.why do so many species live in estuaries?

4.why have so many cities been built by estuaries?

t:now imagine that your science teacher asks you to choose one of the questions and write a paragraph to explain it.use what you learn from this unit and what you know about nature and science to write the paragraph.you must be careful to explain it to make your explanations easy to understand.you’d better look at the tips on page 24 before you write.it’s of great help to your writing.

possible samples:

(question 3)

salt water from the ocean and fresh water from the river mix together in an estuary.the mixing of fresh and salt water creats a unique enviroment filled with life of all kinds.here,animals can enjoy all the benefits of the oceans without having to face many of its dangers and nutrients arrive in estuaries from both the land and the ocean.so there are so many species living in estuaries.

(question 4)

estuaries are great places for nature’s young.if many cities are built by estuaries,we can enjoy fishing,swimming and having fun on the beach and scientists and students have endless opportunities to study a varety of life in the habitat.what’s more,estuaries also contribute to the economy through tourism and fishing.so many cities have been built by estuaries.

step Ⅵ test

t:in this unit,we’ve learnt some important phrases.now i’ll give you a test to check whether you’ve mastered them or not.look at the screen,please.

(teacher uses multimedia to show the test on the screen and gives students a few minutes to finish them.then checks their answers.)

1.the children’s age ______(在5岁至15岁之间).

2.______(她处理这个问题的方法) is very good.

3.a week later,______(也就是),oct 1 is national day.

4.he ______(充分利用了) multimedia in the class.

5.the little girl ______(对温度很敏感).

6.his actions ______(使他受到尊敬).

7.he ______(设法完成了工作) with very little help.

suggested answers:

1.range from 5 to 15

2.the way she deals with the problem

3.that is

4.took advantage of

5.is very sensitive to temperature

6.made him respected

7.managed to get the work done

step Ⅶ summary and homework

t:today,we’ve done some reading and writing.we’ve also reviewed some useful expressions in this unit.after class,go over all the important points we have learnt in this unit.that’s all for today.class is over.

step Ⅷ the design of the writing on the blackboard

unit 13 the water planet

the fourth period

phrases:provide…for,have an opportunity to do,a variety of,contribute to

step Ⅸ record after teaching


on the farm


1.能听懂、会说、会读交际用语:welcome to … what are these/those?they’re …are these/those …? yes, they are./no, they aren’t

2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇:they’re=they are, pig, cow, chicken, duck

3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:farm, they, pig, apple, those



1.句型:what are these/those? are these/those …?的语调和用法。

2.词汇:farm, they, those, chicken, apple, pear的读音;a和an用法的区别;名词复数形式。




step1 before class

listen and sing a song:old mac donald had a farm

step 2. warming up

1. free talk.

t:hello,boys and girls.i’m your new english teacher,miss wang.

i’m very glad to be here.

i want to be your friend.

ok,firstly,i want to know your names.

t:what’s your name? who’s your friend?

nice to meet you.welcome to my class.(ppt)

s:thank you.

2. learn to say:welcome to …


3. lead-in and learn

t: boys and girls,we sang a song before class.we were very happy.

we saw a lot of animals there.right?(ppt出现农场画面)

they were on the farm.

learn ‘on the farm’。

step 3. presentation and practice

1.learn : what are these/those? and ‘pigs/cows/ducks/chickens’

(1)what are these?they’re pigs.

(2) are these pigs?no,

what are these?they’re cows.

(3) what are those?they’re …s.

are those …?yes./no.


2. let’s say.a chant

these,these. what are these?

pigs,pigs. they’re pigs.

those,those. what are those?

cows,cows. they’re cows.

step 4.te_t-learning

1.task 1 : let’s listen! who is on the farm too? (谁也在农场?)

2.task 2 : listen and tick:what’s on the farm?

3,task 3 : let’s watch: (欣赏动画,将农场上的动植物摆在正确的位置。)

a. pigs

b. cows

c. apples

d. pears

4.task 4 : let’s follow.(跟读) ☆ 注意语音语调 ☆ 要读出感情哦

5.task 5 : let’s read. (让我们读吧!)分角色朗读。

6.task 6 : farm show! (农场秀!)(发挥想象创编并表演,说得越多越好哦!)

t:it’s great fun to visit a farm. liu tao and mike have great fun on the farm. it’s great fun to have a farm,too.

30 years later, you’re grown up. someone may have a wonderful farm. would you please show your friends around your farm? make a dialogue in groups.

a model:

a (farmer): look! i have a farm! look! they’re pigs!/they’re cows! welcome to my farm, mr …!

b: oh, thank you! my good friend, mr/miss …

a: nice to see you!

b: nice to see you! what are these?

a: they’re … they’re lovely!

would you like a …?

b: yes, please. thank you! i like… what are those?

a: they’re …s. they’re sweet. would you like … ?

b: yes, please. it’s yummy!

a: do you like my farm?

b: yes. it’s great!

a: welcome to my farm ne_t time!

b: thank you. bye-bye!

a: goodbye!

step 5. ticking time

ticking time

i can talk about things on a farm.

i can act things on a farm.

step 6. homework

1.read story time for 5 times.

2.make your performance better.

3.visit a farm if it’s possible.


unit 7 on the farm

--what are these/those?

--they’re …s.

--are these/those …s?

--yes./no,they’re …s.


teaching aims:

1.learn and master the following words and expressions:get around(=get about),fair,guidance,gifted,assist,cooperate,recognition,sympathy,encouragement,productive,visual,impair,motivate,disappointing,adjust to,get used to

2.train the students’ reading ability.

teaching important points:

1.improve the students’ reading ability.

2.enable the students to understand the text better.

3.how to get the students to master the useful expressions.

teaching difficult points:

master the following sentence structures:

1.…studying together with their disabled classmates is both challenging and rewarding. living with disability is frustrating and challenging.

2.i am and get used to the fact that while i may not be…

teaching methods:

1.discussion to help the students know something about the disabled.

2.fast reading to get the general idea of the text.

3.questioning-and-answering activity to help the students go through the whole passage.

4.pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.

teaching aids:

1.a tape recorder

2.a multimedia

teaching procedures:

step Ⅰ greetings and revision

(greet the whole class as usual.)

t:yesterday we learned what difficulties and dangers the disabled might face and how to help them in our daily life.imagine you are disabled.who’d like to describe the situation(if you were blind/deaf etc.)and tell us how you would deal with them.

s:i’ll try.…

(all the others listen carefully.)

t:well done.no matter what difficulties he may meet with,we all hope he can enjoy himself.

step Ⅱ lead-in and pre-reading

t:yeah.we know people with disabilities may have lots of difficulties in their lives,but many of them are determined.they can overcome any difficulty.please look at the three questions on the screen and discuss them in groups.

(show the following on the screen.)

1.do you know anyone who is disabled?

how does he or she deal with the disability?

2.do you know of any famous people who are disabled?what do they do?

3.should disabled students be allowed to go to college?should they get any extra help?why or why not?

(teacher gives students five minutes to discuss and collects their answers.)

suggested answers:

1.yes.i know a person with disability.he has learnt to do many things without help.he can take care of himself at home,but getting around in the city in a wheelchair is often frustrated.he loves reading stories of young disabled people who have overcome great difficulties.

2.yes,i do.beethoven was a great musician,helen keller was a great american writer,and zhang haidi is also a writer.

3.yes,they should.because there are many gifted disabled students,they can make a contribution to the society.

they should get some extra help in their everyday activities.

no,they shouldn’t.because they need recognition,more than sympathy and help.

step Ⅲ reading

t:ok.today we’ll read a text “disabled?not me!”and know something more about it.i think you are interested in it.please turn to page 17.read the passage quickly to get the general idea and answer the questions on the screen.

(teacher shows the questions on the screen.)

1.what’s the trouble of zhong xiaowen?

2.how does she get around?

3.what’s the teachers’ aim in the special college?

4.what do the articles in literature of chinese blind children talk about?

5.how does zijie like the magazine?

(teacher gives students enough time to read the text and collects their answers.)

suggested answers:

1.xiaowen was born without the ability to use her legs and she has no feeling below the waist.

2.she uses a wheelchair to get around.

3.their aim is to help disabled students understand that they can play a valuable role within society.

4.the articles are often about disabled people who have overcome challenges and difficulties and learnt to live a meaningful and productive life.

5.he loves the magazine very much.he thinks it is very important for them to know that someone far away is also struggling as they are.

t:now read the passage again and try to get as much information as you can.

step Ⅳ study for language points

t:now you’ve known the general idea of the passage.please look at the screen.i’ll explain something to you.

(show the following on the screen.)

a.treat vt. treat sb. well(badly)

e.g.don’t treat me as a child.

which doctors are treating her for her illness?

b.ability n. the ability to do,a man of ability

e.g.man has the ability to speak.

c.make a contribution to

e.g.we must do something useful and make a contribution to our country.

d.launch vt.

①launch a man-made satellite

②launch a new enterprise

③launch threats against sb.

e.play a …role(in,within)

e.g.he played a leading role in a film.


e.g.both you and i are students.

he both fears and hates at once.

g.…studying together with their disabled classmates is both challenging and rewarding.

living with disability is frustrating and challenging.

in these two sentences,gerundial phrases are used as subject.

e.g.working with him is a great pleasure.

h.…i am and get used to the fact that while…here that-clause is used as appositive clause,expressing the fact.

e.g.the fact that he came here was known to us all.

(write important phrases and difficult sentences on the blackboard.)

t:(after explaining the language points.)

do you have anything you don’t understand?if you have,please tell me,i’ll be glad to have a discussion with you.

(the teacher answers the questions raised by the students.)

step Ⅴ listening and consolidation

t:let’s listen to the tape.i’ll play the tape twice.when i first play it,just listen.when i play it for the second time,listen and repeat it.are you clear about it?

(the teacher plays the tape for the students to listen and repeat.while the students read,the teacher goes among the students to correct the students’ mistakes in pronunciation,intonation and stress.)

t:now turn to page 52.there are five questions for you to answer in post-reading.try to find the answers in the text.discuss in groups of four,and then i’ll ask some of you to read your answers.

(a few minutes later.)

t:are you ready?


t:now let’s begin.

s1:they have to use wheelchairs to get around and it often takes them a little longer to do everyday things,such as getting out of bed,getting dressed and going to class.

s2:they not only learn how to assist disabled people,but also learn the importance of cooperating to reach their goals in life.

s3:they help disabled students to understand that they can play a valuable role within society,and inspire many of them to believe that they can realize their dreams.

s4:today there are more opportunities like the special olympics for disabled people to develop their potential,live a richer life and make a contribution to society.

because people understand that they can play a valuable role within society,and that they need recognition,more than sympathy and help.

s5:people must make sure that all of us should have equal access to all areas and facilities.people should treat me fairly.

step Ⅵ summary and homework

t:today we have learned the passage-disabled?not me!from the success of the disabled student-zhong xiaowen,we learn something important.there is nothing difficult in the world if you stick to it.when you meet with difficulty in your life and study,please don’t lose heart.on the other hand,we should help the students to know how to help the disabled in our daily life.

and we also learn some phrases.after class,you should work hard and master them.

step Ⅶ the design of the writing on the blackboard

unit 17 disabilities

the second period

1.important phrases:

treat sb.,the ability to do,make a contribution to launch,play a …role,both…and…,get used to

2.difficult sentences:

…i am and get used to the fact that while…

i may not be able to walk,there are many other great things i can do.

step Ⅷ record after teaching


Ⅰ.brief statements based on the unit

archaeological discoveries play an important part in the study of the history and culture of a country and at the same time can help us solve many mysteries.this unit mainly talks about two important archaeological discoveries:the king of stonehenge in england and the jinsha ruins and the sanxingdui ruins site in sichuan province.the discovery of the king of stonehenge makes archaeologists think people in the bronze age had trade and cultural links with other parts in europe.while the unearthed jinsha ruins again proved that it is likely that roots of chinese culture are in sichuan.they all have a historical significance on the study of the history and culture of the two countries.besides,we need to review the use of “it”,especially when it is used in the subject position to stand for an infinitive or a clause.

Ⅱ.teaching goals

1.talk about archaeological discoveries.

2.express curiosity.

3.review the use of “it”.

4.create a flow chart.

Ⅲ.background information

1. underwater archaeology

the year was 1960.the eight team members were divers and scientists.the ancient wreck(船的残骸)was buried in the sands below the warm coastal waters off turkey.underwater archaeology was about to be born.

archaeology is the study of ancient life,or how people lived thousands of years ago.the work of the archaeologist is to find and recover objects made by these ancient people and figure out how the objects were used.

the archaeologists on the team that found the ancient wreck usually worked on dry land.they knew the scientific methods used in dry-land archaeology.by adapting,or changing,these methods,the archaeologists could use them under water.after diving into the sea,the group used underwater cameras to take pictures of the wreck and its treasures.next,they drew maps on plastic tablets to show where each object was located.then,they used a tool that gently sucked the sand away from the treasures.large objects were placed in baskets,which were brought up to the surface.very heavy objects were pulled up with the aid of a balloon.

the recovered objects were put in a museum in turkey.archaeologists then brought the photos,drawings,and maps to the united states for further research.after seven years of study,the scientists learned that the wreck was 3 200 years old.

2.spanish scientists dig up a monster of a bone

spanish researchers digging in a semi-desert part of eastern spain have found a bone from an animal more than 30 metres in length and weighing 50 tons.the upper leg bone measures 1.85 metres and weighs 150 kilograms.this indicated that it came from the equivalent of a male elephant.

scientists believe the bone came from a sauropod,a lizard-like dinosaur that lived from 145 to 65 million years bc.

if these guesses are confirmed,it would be the largest dinosaur discovered in europe.

it could possibly be as big as a champion heavy weight like argentinausorus,found in south america,which from the evidence of a foot and three ribs,was probably longer than 35 metres.

the four-legged sauropods,which had tiny brains,vast stomachs and long necks and tails,are believed to have been vegetarians,eating large trees the way people crunch celery sticks.

Ⅳ.teaching time:five periods

the first period

teaching aims:

1.learn and master the following words:

archaeology archaeological archaeologist curiosity decoration unearth spear artefact

2.do some listening.

3.learn to express curiosity.

teaching important points:

1.improve the students’ listening ability.

2.train the students’ speaking ability by talking about archaeological discoveries and practising expressing curiosity.

teaching difficult points:

1.how to improve the students’ listening ability.

2.how to finish the task of speaking.

teaching methods:

1.looking at some pictures to arouse the students’ interest in archaeology.

2.listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.

3.individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.

teaching aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

teaching procedures:

step Ⅰ greetings

greet the whole class as usual.

step Ⅱ lead-in

t:as we all know,china is a country with an ancient civilization.it has a long history and brilliant culture.do you know in what ways we can learn about its history and culture?

s1:reading books.

s2:watching tv.

s3:learning from the teacher in class.

s4:surfing the internet.

t:anything else?


t:we can also go to the museum to visit the unearthed cultural relics,can’t we?


t:now,please look at the two pictures on the screen and tell me what you see in the pictures.

(teacher shows the screen.)

s5:they are:terracotta warriors and horses and inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells.

t:you’re right.terracotta warriors and horses is a symbol of the powerful qin dynasty,while inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells are embryonic forms of chinese characters.the great archaeological discoveries play an important part in learning about china.

step Ⅲ warming up

t:today let’s talk about archaeology unit 20 (bb:unit 20 archaeology).before talking,please look at the new words.

(teacher deals with the new words with the whole class.)

t:ok.now open your books and turn to page 73.look at the four pictures and tell us what you can see in each picture.

s6:i can see an axe in the first picture.it is a kind of tool used by people of the stone age.

t:right.how about the second one?

s7:in the second picture is a bronze tripod,which is an ancient cooking vessel of that period.

t:good.the third picture.li ping,try please.

s8:this is a painting on silk of the han dynasty.

t:yeah.the last one?

s9:i think the last picture is a work of china made in the tang dynasty.

t:anything else about the last picture?

s10:i guess it is made of tri-colored glazed pottery of the tang dynasty.

t:well done.we know that the life of people is different during the different periods.now let’s describe the life of people during the periods mentioned above.you can describe it according to the questions on the screen.

(teacher shows the following on the screen.)

1.what did they eat?

2.where did they live?

3.what did their homes look like?

4.what kind of tools did they use?

5.what objects have we found from their age?

6.what kind of entertainment did they have?

first discuss the questions with your partner,and then complete the chart at page 73.a few minutes later,i’ll collect your answers.is that clear?


t:(five minutes later.)are you ready now?(ss:yes.)now,let’s describe the life of people in the stone age together.

t and ss:the people of the stone age ate wild fruits and animals.they usually lived in caves.they used bones of animals,fur and pottery to decorate their caves.the tools they used were mainly stones,sticks and bones of animals.they used bones of animals to make necklaces and bone pins.they were able to make jades.the entertainment for them was to shout and dance with rhythm together.

t:ok.who’d like to describe the life of people in the bronze age,the han dynasty and the tang dynasty one by one like what we did just now?


suggested answers:

stone age bronze age han dynasty tang dynasty

food wild fruits, wild animals grain,wheat,rice,bean,domestic,animals,meat,broomcorn,millet wheat,rice,wine,vegetables,sugar pancake,tea,spinach,wine

housing caves houses made of mud and straw houses made of bricks and tiles houses made of bricks and tiles palaces


decoration bones of animals, fur, pottery, jade bronze mirrors,bronze jade silk,stone and brick statues, wood statues,frescoes china,pottery,jade,silk


stones, sticks, bones, axes made of stone knives, sickles, axes, fishhooks

iron objects,ploughs,hoes

quyuan ploughs,tools used to lift water by water-wheel


necklaces made of bones,bone pins,pottery,jade bronze tripods and quadripods,textile,embroidery silk, paintings on silk, stone, brick and wood statues tri-colored glazed pottery of the tang dynasty,china


shouting and dancing with rhythm singing,dancing,drinking wine

playing the instruments acrobatic show

having a swing,boat race,playing polo

t:we know there are many important discoveries from these different periods.please look at the following four pictures.can you tell us where they were unearthed and where we can go and see them?discuss in groups of four.after a few minutes,i’ll ask some students to talk about them.is that clear?


(teacher shows the four pictures on the screen.)

1 3

2 4

t:liu qian,talk about the first picture,please.


suggested answers:

picture 1:the picture shows the serials bells of the warring states,which was unearthed in sui county of hubei province.if you want to see it,you can go to hubei province.

picture 2:this is the famous dunhuang frescoes,which lie in dunhuang of gansu province.they were painted in the tang dynasty.we can go to dunhuang of gansu province to enjoy them.

picture 3:this is a skull of a peking ape-man,living in the stone age.archaeologists found it in zhoukou of beijing.we may go to the chinese history museum to see it.

picture 4:this is a work of coloured pottery.the persons were performing acrobatics.it was made in the han dynasty and unearthed in luoyang of henan province.luoyang is the place where you can enjoy the work of coloured pottery.

step Ⅳ listening

t:now,let’s do some listening.look at the listening part at page 74.listen to the tape carefully and try to make a drawing of the tool.

(teacher plays the tape for the students to listen for the first time.after that,give the students one or two minutes to draw it.if they have some difficulty with it,play the tape again and stop where there are important information related to the drawing.at last,check the drawing with the whole class.)

t:good.now,let’s go on with the exercises in listening.please listen to the tape again and then finish ex.2 and 3 in turn.

(teacher plays it again and gives the students enough time to write down some important information.finally check the answers with the whole class.after that,let the students discuss ex.4 in groups of four and check them.)

step Ⅴ speaking

t:ok.in our daily life,we often come across the topic that we’re interested in and we’re anxious to get some information about it.in order to get some suggestions from others,how do you express your curiosity?now, look at the screen.these are very useful expressions.you should remember them and use them freely.

(teacher shows the following on the screen.)

i wonder what/who…

i really want to know…

i’m curious to…

i’d love to know…

i wonder if/whether…

what i’d really like to find out is…

i’m curious about…

i’d like to know more about…

(teacher goes through the useful expressions with the whole class.)

t:now,let’s listen to a dialogue between student a and student b.student a talks about a topic he/she is interested in,while student b gives suggestions.

(teacher plays the tape for the students.after that,teacher says the following.)

t:well,open your books and turn to page 74.look at speaking.please underline the sentences used to express curiosity.after a while.i’ll ask one of you to read out the sentences.do you understand?


t:(after a while)have you finished?(ss:yes.)any volunteer?

s12:i’d like to know more about…

i wonder what…

i’d love to know…

what i’d really like to find out is…

t:quite right.please practise the dialogue with your partner for a while.after that,i’ll ask some pairs to act out the dialogue before the class.is that clear?


(several minutes later,teacher asks some pairs to act out the dialogue before the class.)

t:thank your for your excellent performances.

step Ⅵ practice

t:now,let’s do some speaking practice.work in pairs or groups and talk about archaeological finds,such as artefacts,tombs or unearthed towns.you can use the expressions we learnt just now to help you carry out the task of speaking.five minutes later,i’ll ask some pairs to perform their dialogues before the class.

one possible dialogue:

a:hi!jack.have you heard of the sanxingdui ruins site?

b:yes.it’s in guanghan of sichuan province.

a:i want to know when it was discovered?

b:in the spring of 1929.

a:can you tell me who found it?

b:yes.it’s a farmer’s son who found it.

a:i’m curious about how he found it.

b:he found it by chance.when he and his father were working in the field,he dug up a round piece of jade.then they found a hole filled with more than 400 jade objects.

a:oh,so strange!what i’d really like to know is what effects its discovery will have on the study of chinese history and culture.

b:i think it must have important effects.it is said that it has become one of the cultural relics of the world.

a:great!i’d like to know more about it.

b:you can surf the internet or go to visit it yourself.

step Ⅶ summary and homework

t:in this class,we’ve talked about archaeological discoveries and learnt about the life of people during the different periods.we’ve also done some listening practice and speaking practice.in the speaking part,we’ve mainly learnt to express curiosity using the useful expressions.these expressions are:i wonder what/who…i’m curious to…i wonder if…(teacher writes them on the blackboard.)after class,practise them more.besides,remember to prepare for the next period.ok.that’s all.class is over.

step Ⅷ the design of the writing on the blackboard

unit 20 archaeology

the first period

useful expressions:

i wonder what/who…

i really want to know…

i’m curious to…

i’d love to know…

i wonder if/whether…

what i’d really like to find out is…

i’m curious about…

i’d like to know more about…

step Ⅸ record after teaching






本套教材中,我们设计了很多很实用的会话、有趣的游戏活动和故事、好听的歌曲和歌谣,并配上了精美的图画。还有调皮的小精灵们会为大家的英语学习带来更多欢乐。这些都会有利于培养学生的学习兴趣。 二、学生状况

1.少数学生对英语有兴趣,口语运用自如、熟练。 2.大部分学生对英语学习有很大的自信心。

3.由于社会因素和家庭条件的影响,学生学习英语的环境不够理想。 三、教学重点


2.听、说练习贯穿了整个教材,激发了孩子们在玩中听、说英语,是教材与教者共同始终追求的目标。 四、教学难度

1.对单词和短语的熟记和完全掌握。 2.每个单元中出现的重点句型会说会用。



1 / 28



how are you feeling now? 学习“四会”单词:feel happy, feel sad, feel tried, feel angry, go out to play, make a snowman.并用所学单词和句型描述自己或他人的感受。

第二单元spring is coming! 学习“四会”单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter, season, plant trees, ride a bike.重点句型:what do you do in spring? i often .... sometimes we ....

第三单元 spring begins from march.学习“四会”单词:january, february, june, july, august, september, october, november, december, 并用这些单词描述每个月份。

第四单元 he lives in a village.学习“四会”单词:bird, snake, potato, tomato, river, lake, village, 并用这些单词描述乡村的特色。

第五单元what’s the weather like today? 学习“四会”单词:weather report, sunny, windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy, moon, star.并用所学单词描述天气。

第六单元 my holiday.学习“四会”单词:travel, enjoy the visit, place of interest, the palace museum, the great wall, the west lake.用所学单词描述在假期中旅行的各地的名胜古迹。

第七单元 i have a headache.学习“四会”单词:have a cold, have a cough, have a fever, have a headache, hace a toothache, have a stomachache, see a docotr.用所学短语描述自己的身体状况。

第八单元 have a good habit! 学习“四会”单词:litter on the floor, talk loudly in cla, speak with mouth full, make a noise, keep quiet, wait in line.并用所学单词描述自己平时习惯。

2 / 28 unit1 how are you feeling now?


教学目标:学习“四会”单词:feel happy, feel sad, feel tried, feel angry, go out to play, make a snowman.用所学单词和句型描述自己或他人的感受。 教学重点:能听懂、会写、会读、会说feel happy, feel sad, feel tried, feel angry, go out to play, make a snowman。

教学难点:通过学习,能够用英语指出自己的感受。 教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究

合作交流 教具准备:小黑板

单词卡片 教学环节: • 学习目标

(一)出示学习目标:学习“四会”单词:feel happy, feel sad, feel tried, feel angry, go out to play, make a snowman.用所学单词和句型描述自己或他人的感受。

(二)学习 how are you feeling now? i’m ...句型并学会如何表达。 • 自主学习

(一) 温故知新

同桌讨论并写出学过的表示感受的形容词。 (二)阅读方法

对照课本第二页,边看边练习拼写描述感受的单词。 (三)互助释疑

同桌间一边做出各种表情,一边读出单词,交流不会读的单词。 (四)探究出招

同桌间练习书写,可以互相检查拼写。 展示交流


小组内练习用英语描述感受 (二)班级展示






2、句型学习 how are you feeling now? i’m ... 教学重点:熟练掌握句型,并进行简单的对话。


3 / 28 •



合作交流 教具准备:小黑板

单词卡片 教学环节: • 学习目标 • (一)学习本课句型,并进行替换练习。

(二)进行重读练习。 • 自主学习 • (一)温故知新

look and write (二)阅读方法

自主读句子,理解句子意思。 (三)互助释疑



模仿例句造句,小组内交流,纠正错误。 展示交流 班级展示




一.学习重点句型 it makes me/her/him/them/us ...二.are you tried/is he sad?

教学重点:能熟练掌握句型:it makes me/her/him/them/us ...

are you tried/is he sad? 教学难点:对所学句型的灵活应用 教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究

合作交流 教具准备:小黑板

录音机 教学环节: • 学习目标

一.学习重点句型 it makes me/her/him/them/us ...二.are you tried/is he sad? • 自主学习 • (一)温故知新

完成let’s learn more 学习。 (二)阅读方法

4 / 28 • 对照课本第4页,练习主系表结构的句型,并读懂对话。 (三)互助释疑

同桌间读对话,理解对话内容并掌握句型,this makes ...(四)探究出招

小组合作用it makes me/her/him/them/us ...造句。 展示交流


小组内练习本课重点句型。 (二)班级展示

自主阅读 read a story 的对话并在讲台上展示对话。



能在教师的引导下学习和掌握read the words 语言部分总结归纳字母ar, er 的发音。 教学重点:

学习和掌握read the words 语言部分总结归纳字母ar, er 的发音。 教学难点:能在教师的引导下学习和掌握read the words 语言部分总结归纳字母ar, er 的读音规则。 教学方法:高效课堂模式。

学习方法:自主学习,合作探究 教学准备:

1.教师准备: (1) 录音磁带。 (2)单词卡片。


单词卡片 教学环节: • 学习目标

能在教师的引导下学习和掌握read the words 语言部分总结归纳字母ar, • er 的发音。 自主学习

(一)温故知新 part b let’s play (二) 阅读方法

同桌相互读单词,并找出ar 和er 在单词中的发音。 (三)互助释疑


5 / 28 • • 展示交流


1.请同学上台表演let’s play 。

2.开火车读 read the words 当中的单词。

unit2 spring is coming!



学习四季的单词:spring,summer,autumn,winter,season以及动词短语plant trees,ride a bike,并用简单句型描述四季。 教学重点:

能听懂、会写、会读、会说:spring,summer, autumn, winter, season 以及动词短语plant trees,ride a bike, 教学难点:通过学习,能够简单句型描述四季。 教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究



单词卡片 录音机 教学环节: • 学习目标

一) 出示学习目标:学习“四会”单词:spring,summer,autumn,winter,season以及动词短语plant trees,ride a bike ,二)并用简单句型描述四季。 • 自主学习


复习以前学过的描述天气单词以及句型 二)阅读方法

自学单词,做到会读,会拼,会写,不会的画出来。 三)互助释疑

同桌间或小组内轮流读单词,探讨单词的读音和写法。 四)探究出招

同桌间练习书写,可以互相检查拼写。 • 展示交流 一)小组展示

小组内练习用以前学过的描述天气的单词和句型描述四季。 二)班级展示


6 / 28


教学目标: 学习句型:what do you do in spring?i often ...\\sometime we ...并灵活应用句型。熟悉对话内容。

教学重点:能用问答句型who is he/she? he/she is my … 进行简单对话。 教学难点:灵活应用所学句型,表演对话。 教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究



单词卡片 录音机 教学环节: • 学习目标

一)what do you do in spring?i often ...\\sometime we ...二)学习 part a let’s talk 部分的对话,并且熟练掌握。 • 自主学习 一)温故知新

part c listen and number.

听写上节课所学单词。 二)阅读方法

what do you do in spring?i often ...\\sometime we ...句型做对话。 三)互助释疑

同桌间相互交流,一问一答,练习所造句型。 四)探究出招

自主学习对话,了解对话内容。 • 展示交流





2.part b let’s learn more 的四个季节的描述,并完成read again and answer the questions.


教学难点:part b let’s learn more 的四个季节的描述,并完成read again and answer the questions.教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究

合作交流 教具准备:小黑板

单词卡片 录音机 教学环节: • 学习目标

7 / 28 1.学习用简单的句型描述四季,体会一般现在时。

2.part b let’s learn more 的四个季节的描述,并完成read again and answer the questions. • 自主学习 一)温故知新

part c look and answer.

利用上节课所学句型同桌相互问答。 二)阅读方法

part b let’s learn more 的四个季节的描述,并完成read again and answer the questions. 三)互助释疑

同桌间相互交流,读懂四段话,并把不会的用横线画出。 四)探究出招




能在教师的引导下学习和掌握read the words 语言部分总结归纳字母ir, or 以及ur的发音。 教学重点:

学习和掌握read the words 语言部分总结归纳字母ir, or 以及ur 的发音。

教学难点:能在教师的引导下学习和掌握read the words 语言部分总结归纳字母ir, or 以及ur 的读音规则。 教学方法:高效课堂模式。

学习方法:自主学习,合作探究 教学准备:

1.教师准备: (1) 录音磁带。 (2)单词卡片。


单词卡片 教学环节: • 学习目标

能在教师的引导下学习和掌握read the words 语言部分总结归纳字母ir, • or 以及ur的发音。 自主学习


8 / 28 part b let’s play (三) 阅读方法

同桌相互读单词,并找出ir, or 以及ur在单词中的发音。 (三)互助释疑


unit3 spring begin from march!



学习月份的单词:january, february, june, july, august, september, october, november, december, 并用这些单词描述每个月份。 教学重点:

能听懂、会写、会读、会说:january, february, june, july, august, september, october, november, december。 教学难点:通过学习,能够用简单句型描述每个月份。 教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究



单词卡片 录音机 教学环节:

• • 学习目标

出示学习目标:学习“四会”单词:january, february, june, july, august, september, october, november, december 二)并用简单句型描述每个月份。 • 自主学习


复习以前学过的描述季节的单词以及句型。 二)阅读方法

自学单词,做到会读,会拼,会写,不会的画出来。 三)互助释疑

同桌间或小组内轮流读单词,探讨单词的读音和写法。 四)探究出招

同桌间练习书写,可以互相检查拼写。 • 展示交流

一)part a read and answer how many months are there in a year?

how many months are in a season? which months are in spring?

二)part a circle your birthday and the birthdays of your family.

9 / 28


教学目标:(一) 用序数词表示每个月份的日期。 (二)学习句型:

1.which is your favorite season/month ? my favorite season/month is ...2. autumn begins from semtember here. 3. the treen become red. 4. children’s day is on ...并灵活应用句型。熟悉对话内容。 教学重点:

(一) 用序数词表示每个月份的日期。 (二) 能用以下句型

1.which is your favorite season/month ? my favorite season/month is ...2. autumn begins from semtember here. 3. the treen become red.

4. children’s day is on ...进行简单对话。

教学难点:灵活应用所学句型,表演对话。 教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究



单词卡片 录音机 教学环节: • 学习目标

(一) 用序数词表示每个月份的日期。 (二) 能用以下句型

1.which is your favorite season/month ? my favorite season/month is ...2. autumn begins from semtember here. 3. the treen become red. 4. children’s day is on ...并灵活应用句型。 • 自主学习 一)温故知新


2.用which is your favorite season/month ? my favorite season/month is ...句型,同桌相互问答。 二)阅读方法

练习句型: children’s day is on ...三)互助释疑


10 / 28 四)探究出招

自主学习对话,了解对话内容。 • 展示交流





1.each season has three months.1.spring begains from match.2.summer is form june to august.3.new year is in the first month of the year.教学重点:灵活应用以上句型,并能熟练掌握part b let‘s learn more 当中的这段话。

教学难点:灵活应用以上句型,并能熟练掌握part b let‘s learn more 当中的这段话。

教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究



单词卡片 录音机 教学环节:

• 学习目标 掌握下列句型

1.each season has three months.2.spring begains from match.3.summer is form june to august.4.new year is in the first month of the year.• 自主学习 一)温故知新

part c listen and tick.part c think and answer

what is this season?

whicn is your favorite season?

what is this month?

whicn is your favorite month?

when is the children’s day? when is new year’s day? 二)阅读方法

完成 part b let’s learn more 的句子。

11 / 28 三)互助释疑

同桌间相互交流,读懂这段话,并把不会的用横线画出。 四)探究出招

自主学习对话,了解对话内容。 • 展示交流




教学目标:1.学唱part b let’chant 中的歌曲 《merry may》

2.完成part c read and answer 教学重点:完成part c read and answer

教学难点:灵活运用本单元的句型,写一篇我最喜欢的月份的作文。 教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究



单词卡片 录音机 教学环节: • 学习目标


1.学唱part b let’chant 中的歌曲 《merry may》 2.完成part c read and answer • 自主学习 一)温故知新

1.part c think and write.2.复习所学的序数词.二)阅读方法

完成 part c read and answer 的句子。


同桌间相互交流,读懂这段话,并把不会的用横线画出。 四)探究出招

自主学习短文,了解短文内容。 • 展示交流


unit4 he lives in a village



学习四会单词:bird, snake, potato, tomato, river, lake, village, 并用这些单词描述乡村的特色。 教学重点:

12 / 28 能听懂、会写、会读、会说:bird, snake, potato, tomato, river, lake, village。

教学难点:通过学习,用这些单词描述乡村的特色。 教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究



单词卡片 录音机 教学环节: • 学习目标

一)出示学习目标:学习“四会”单词:bird, snake, potato, tomato, river, lake, village。

二)并用这些单词描述乡村的特色。 自主学习




自学单词,做到会读,会拼,会写,不会的画出来。 三)互助释疑

同桌间或小组内轮流读单词,探讨单词的读音和写法。 四)探究出招




1.where do you live? i live in ...

2.do you live in city? yes, i do.no, i don’t.

3.is your village big? yes, it is.no, it isn’t.

并灵活应用句型。熟悉对话内容。 教学重点:掌握重点句型:

1.where do you live? i live in ...

2.do you live in city? yes, i do.no, i don’t.

3.is your village big? yes, it is.no, it isn’t. 进行简单对话。

教学难点:灵活应用所学句型,表演对话。 教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究



单词卡片 录音机 教学环节: • 学习目标


13 / 28 1.where do you live? i live in ...2.do you live in city? yes, i do.no, i don’t. 3.is your village big? yes, it is.no, it isn’t. 并灵活应用句型。熟悉对话内容。 • 自主学习 一)温故知新


用简单的句型描述自己的家乡。 二)阅读方法

掌握句型,能用简单的句型描述自己家乡的特色。 三)互助释疑

同桌间相互交流,阅读对话。 四)探究出招



教学目标:掌握下列句型, 领会划横线单词含义。

1.a river runs by.

2.they grow tomotoes.

3.ther live happily together year after year.

教学重点:灵活应用以上句型,并能熟练掌握part b let‘s learn more 当中的两段话。

教学难点:灵活应用以上句型,并能熟练掌握part b let‘s learn more 当中的两段话。

教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究



单词卡片 录音机 教学环节: • 学习目标

掌握下列句型, 领会划横线单词含义。 1.a river runs by. 2.they grow tomotoes.

3.ther live happily together year after year. • 自主学习 一)温故知新

part c ask and answer, then report.

where do you live? is it big/small/beautiful? is there a river/lake?

14 / 28 what’s in the city/village? do you love it? how can i get there? 二)阅读方法

完成 part b let’s learn more 的句子。


同桌间相互交流,读懂这段话,并把不会的用横线画出。 四)探究出招

自主学习对话,了解对话内容。 • 展示交流

班级展示 上讲台,用简单的句型描述自己或他人的家乡。


教学目标: 1.look at the pictures and order the story.2.独立完成part c read and number 和 read and complete.教学重点:1.look at the pictures and order the story.2.独立完成part c read and number 和 read and complete.教学难点:读懂故事情节,熟悉陌生单词,独立完成part c 的两个练习。 教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究



单词卡片 录音机 教学环节: • 学习目标

1.look at the pictures and order the story.2.独立完成part c read and number 和 read and complete.• 自主学习 一)温故知新

part c read and number.二)阅读方法

根据图片,读懂故事。 三)互助释疑

同桌间相互交流,读懂故事,并把不会的用横线画出。 四)探究出招

自主学习对话,了解对话内容。 • 展示交流



unit5 what is the weather like today?

15 / 28



学习描述天气的形容词: report,sunny,windy,cloudy,rainy,snowy,以及名词weather ,moon,star.教学重点:

能听懂、会写、会读、会说描述天气的形容词:report,sunny,windy,cloudy,rainy,snowy,以及名词weather ,moon,star.教学难点:通过学习,能够用简单句型描述天气状况。 教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究



单词卡片 录音机 教学环节: • 学习目标

出示学习目标:学习“四会”单词:report,sunny,windy,cloudy,rainy,snowy,weather ,moon,star.一) ,二)并用简单句型描述天气。 • 自主学习


复习以前学过的描述天气单词以及句型 二)阅读方法 自学单词,做到会读,会拼,会写,不会的画出来。 三)互助释疑

同桌间或小组内轮流读单词,探讨单词的读音和写法。 四)探究出招

同桌间练习书写,可以互相检查拼写。 • 展示交流 一)小组展示

小组内练习用以前学过的描述天气的单词和句型描述天气。 二)班级展示



教学目标: 学习问天气的句型what`s the weather like today? it`s...并灵活应用句型。熟悉对话内容。

教学重点:能用问天气的句型what`s the weather like today? it`s...进行简单对话。

教学难点:灵活应用所学句型,表演对话。 教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究


16 / 28 教具准备:小黑板

单词卡片 录音机 教学环节: • 学习目标

一)what`s the weather like today? it`s...二)学习 part a let’s talk 部分的对话,并且熟练掌握。 • 自主学习 一)温故知新

part a look and circle.

听写上节课所学单词。 二)阅读方法

what`s the weather like today? it`s...句型做对话。 三)互助释疑

同桌间相互交流,一问一答,练习所造句型。 四)探究出招

自主学习对话,了解对话内容。 • 展示交流





1,学习问天气的句型how is the weather in ...today? it`s...并灵活应用句型。熟悉对话内容。


教学重点:能用问天气的句型what`s the weather like today? it`s.../ how is the weather in ...today? it`s...进行简单对话。 教学难点:

1,灵活应用所学句型,表演对话。 2,一般将来式的运用。 教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究



单词卡片 录音机 教学环节: • 学习目标

一)what`s the weather like today? it`s.../how is the weather in ...today? it`s...二)学习 part b let’s learn 部分的对话,并且熟练掌握。 • 自主学习 一)温故知新

17 / 28 part a look and circle. what`s the weather like today? it`s... 二)阅读方法

what`s the weather like today? it`s.../how is the weather in ...today? it`s...句型做对话。 体会一般将来时。 三)互助释疑

同桌间相互交流,一问一答,练习所造句型。 四)探究出招

自主学习对话,了解对话内容。 • 展示交流


1,指名两人一问一答练习句型,用所学句型相互问答。 2,相互交流一般将来时的构成以及用法。

3,partc listen and tick.和 partc match and say.



1, 能在教师的引导下学习和掌握read the words 语言部分总结归纳字母ch和sh的发音。

2, partc read and answer.教学重点:

学习和掌握read the words 语言部分总结归纳字母ch和sh的发音。 教学难点:能在教师的引导下学习和掌握read the words 语言部分总结归纳字母ch和sh在单词中的发音。 教学方法:高效课堂模式。

学习方法:自主学习,合作探究 教学准备:

1.教师准备: (1) 录音磁带。 (2)单词卡片。


单词卡片 教学环节: • 学习目标

能在教师的引导下学习和掌握read the words 语言部分总结归纳字母ir, • or 以及ur的发音。 自主学习


18 / 28 part b let’s sing.一起跟唱歌曲。

(四) 阅读方法

同桌相互读单词,并找出ch和sh在单词中的发音。 (三)互助释疑

小组内交流单词的发音。 • 展示交流(10分钟)


开火车读 read the words 当中的单词。

unit6 my holiday



1,学习”四会”单词: travel, enjoy the visit, place of intrerest, the palace museum, the great wall, the west lake.2,了解一般将来时。



travel, enjoy the visit, place of intrerest, the palace museum, the great wall, the west lake.教学难点:了解一般将来时。 教法:高效课堂教学模式




单词卡片 录音机 教学环节: • 学习目标


travel, enjoy the visit, place of intrerest, the palace museum, the great wall, the west lake.• 自主学习

一) 温故知新

师生问答:parka:think and answer 1,what are you doing to do this evening? 2,what is your father going to do tomorrow morning? 3,what is your grandma go to do next sunday? 4,what is your friend going to do next week? 二)阅读方法

自学单词,做到会读,会拼,会写,不会的画出来。 三)互助释疑


19 / 28 四)探究出招

同桌间练习书写,可以互相检查拼写。 • 展示交流

一) 小组展示:相互读写单词 二)班级展示




2,学习句型:where will you go on the holiday? i will go to...教学重点:1,学习一般将来时的用法以及构成。

2,学习句型:where will you go on the holiday? i will go to...教学难点:般将来时的用法以及构成的掌握。 教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究



单词卡片 录音机 教学环节: • 学习目标

一)where will you go on the holiday? i will go to...二)学习 part a let’s talk 部分的对话,并且熟练掌握。 • 自主学习 一)温故知新

1,相互问答:part a think and answer.

2,听写上节课所学单词。 二)阅读方法

where will you go on the holiday? i will go to...句型做对话。 三)互助释疑

同桌间相互交流,一问一答,练习所造句型。 四)探究出招

自主学习对话,了解对话内容。 • 展示交流 班级展示




2, 学习句型: 1) 2) 3) what will you do on the holiday? i will +动词原形...how will you go? i will +动词原形...will your parents go with you? yes, they will.\\no, they won`t.

20 / 28 教学重点:1,学习一般将来时的用法以及构成。


1),what will you do on the holiday? i will +动词原形...2),how will you go? i will +动词原形...3),will your parents go with you? yes, they will.\\no, they won’t.教学难点:一般将来时态的一般疑问句。 教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究



单词卡片 录音机 教学环节: • 学习目标



1),what will you do on the holiday? i will +动词原形...2),how will you go? i will +动词原形...3),will your parents go with you? yes, they will.\\no, they won’t.• 自主学习 一)温故知新

相互问答:part c listne and write.二)阅读方法

1),what will you do on the holiday? i will +动词原形...2),how will you go? i will +动词原形...3),will your parents go with you? yes, they will.\\no, they won’t.三)互助释疑

同桌间相互交流,一问一答,练习所造句型。 四)探究出招

自主学习对话,part b let’s learn more, 了解对话内容。 • 展示交流(8分钟)


指名两人一问一答练习句型,用所学句型相互问答。 第四课时

教学目标:1,独立学习对话并在小组内完成对话part b look and talk。

2.小组内完成part b read and report.3.学唱歌曲《su will go》

教学重点:1,独立学习对话并在小组内完成对话part b look and talk。 2.小组内完成part b read and report.3.学唱歌曲《su will go》


21 / 28 教法:高效课堂教学模式




单词卡片 录音机 教学环节: • 学习目标

1,独立学习对话并在小组内完成对话part b look and talk。 2.小组内完成part b read and report.3.学唱歌曲《su will go》 • 自主学习 一)温故知新

part b look and talk.二)阅读方法

通过对话进一步掌握一般将来时态的用法和构成。 三)互助释疑

part b let’s sing 认读歌词,了解歌词大意。 四)探究出招

partb: read and report.• 展示交流 • 小组内交流,全班展示:part b: read and report.

unit7 i have headache



学习动词短语:have a cold, have a cough, have a fever, have a headache, have a toothache, have a stomachache, see a doctor, 并用这些短语描述病情症状。 教学重点:

能听懂、会写、会读、会说:have a cold, have a cough, have a fever, have a headache, have a toothache, have a stomachache, see a doctor。 教学难点:通过学习,用这些单词描述病情症状。 教法:高效课堂教学模式




单词卡片 录音机 教学环节: • 学习目标

一)出示学习目标:学习“四会”短语:have a cold, have a cough, have a fever, have a headache, have a toothache, have a stomachache, see a doctor。


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复习以前学过的动词短语。 二)阅读方法

自学短语,做到会读,会拼,会写,不会的画出来。 三)互助释疑

同桌间或小组内轮流读单词,探讨单词的读音和写法。 四)探究出招

同桌间练习书写,可以互相检查拼写。 • 展示交流

一) part a think and tick

do you often go to see a doctor?

when do you go to see a doctor? 二)part a think and answer.

do you want to be a doctor?

why or why not?


教学目标:1, i feel very bad today.

2,what’s wrong with you? i have a ...教学重点:1, i feel very bad today.

2,what’s wrong with you? i have a ...教学难点:灵活应用句型做对话。 教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究



单词卡片 录音机 教学环节: • 学习目标

1, i feel very bad today.2,what’s wrong with you? i have a ...• 自主学习 • 一)温故知新 1 .默写单词 二)阅读方法

what’s wrong with you? i have a ...句型做对话。 三)互助释疑

读对话 part a let’s talk,划出陌生单词以及句子,相互交流。 四)探究出招

学唱歌曲,part b let’s chant

23 / 28 • 展示交流

小组展示 part c ask and answer.指名两人一问一答练习句型,用所学句型相互问答。


教学目标:1 学习句型:

conlin doesn’t feel well this morning. i am sorry to hear that.you’d better take him to see a doctor.2.学习打电话用语。 教学重点:学习句型:

conlin doesn’t feel well this morning. i am sorry to hear that.you’d better take him to see a doctor.教学难点:学习打电话用语。 教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究



单词卡片 录音机 教学环节: • 学习目标


• 自主学习 一)温故知新

part b paly a game.二)阅读方法

学会打电话用语。 三)互助释疑

同桌间相互交流part b let’s learn more, 划出不懂的单词和句子。 四)探究出招

自主学习对话,part b let’s learn more, 了解对话内容。 • 展示交流 班级展示




1.能在教师的引导下学习和掌握read the words 语言部分总结归纳字母th的发音。

2.part b try to read and more.教学重点:

24 / 28 能在教师的引导下学习和掌握read the words 语言部分总结归纳字母th的发音。

教学难点:part b try to read and more.


学习方法:自主学习,合作探究 教学准备:

1.教师准备: (1) 录音磁带。 (2)单词卡片。


单词卡片 教学环节: • 学习目标

能在教师的引导下学习和掌握read the words 语言部分总结归纳字母th的发音。 自主学习


part b let’s chant .一起说唱歌曲。 (五) 阅读方法 •

同桌相互读单词,并找出th在单词中的发音。 (三)互助释疑

小组内交流单词的发音。 • 展示交流


开火车读 read the words 当中的单词。

unit 8

have a good habit



学习“四会”单词:litter on the floor, talk loudly in cla, speak with mouth full, make a noise, keep quiet, wait in line.并用所学单词描述自己或他人平时习惯。 教学重点:

能听懂、会写、会读、会说:litter on the floor, talk loudly in cla, speak with mouth full, make a noise, keep quiet, wait in line.教学难点:通过学习,用这些单词描述平时习惯行为。 教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究


25 / 28 教具准备:小黑板

单词卡片 录音机 教学环节: • 学习目标

能听懂、会写、会读、会说:litter on the floor, talk loudly in cla, speak with mouth full, make a noise, keep quiet, wait in line.并用这些短语描述平时习惯行为。

• 自主学习


part a think and tick or cro.二)阅读方法

自学短语,做到会读,会拼,会写,不会的画出来。 三)互助释疑

同桌间或小组内轮流读单词,探讨单词的读音和写法。 四)探究出招

同桌间练习书写,可以互相检查拼写。 • 展示交流

一) part a talk in pairs and group the pictures.


教学目标:学习句型 1,don’t littler on the floor.

2, you shouldn’t tell lies.

3, we’d better keep quiet.4, we should take care of trees.教学重点:1,don’t littler on the floor.2, you shouldn’t tell lies.3, we’d better keep quiet.4, we should take care of trees.教学难点:灵活应用祈使句和情态动词should表达应该做某事和不应该做某事。 教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究



单词卡片 录音机 教学环节: • 学习目标

1,don’t littler on the floor.2, you shouldn’t tell lies.3, we’d better keep quiet.4, we should take care of trees.• 自主学习 一)温故知新

26 / 28 1 .默写单词


用don’t ...,you’d better ..., we should.. 和 we shouldn’t 句型做对话。 三)互助释疑

读对话 part a let’s talk,划出陌生单词以及句子,相互交流。 四)探究出招

学唱歌曲,part b let’s sing • 展示交流

小组展示 part c discu in groups and give some advice.指名两人一问一答练习句型,用所学句型做对话。 第三课时

教学目标:1 学习句型:it’s bad for your eyes.2.进一步学习句型 : don’t ...,you’d better ..., we should.. 和 we shouldn’t 教学重点:

1 学习句型:it’s bad for your eyes.2.进一步学习句型 : don’t ...,you’d better ..., we should.. 和 we shouldn’t 教学难点:灵活应用本单元所学句型进行对话。

教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究



单词卡片 录音机 教学环节: • 学习目标

进一步学习句型 : don’t ...,you’d better ..., we should.. 和 we shouldn’t • 自主学习 一)温故知新

part b let’s paly 二)阅读方法


don’t ...,you’d better ..., we should.. 和 we shouldn’t 三)互助释疑

同桌间相互交流part b let’s learn more, 划出不懂的单词和句子。 四)探究出招

自主学习对话,part b let’s learn more, 了解对话内容。 • 展示交流

27 / 28 班级展示



教学目标:1.part b read and think.

2.part c look and write your advice.教学重点:

1.part b read and think.

2.part c look and write your advice.教学难点:进一步学习句型 : don’t ...,you’d better ..., we should.. 和 we shouldn’t 教学方法:高效课堂模式。 学习方法:自主学习,合作探究 教学准备:

1.教师准备: 录音磁带。


配套练习册 教学环节: • 学习目标

1.part b read and think.

2.part c look and write your advice.• 自主学习


part b let’s sing .一起说唱歌曲。 (六) 阅读方法

进一步学习句型 : don’t ...,you’d better ..., we should.. 和 we shouldn’t (三)互助释疑

part b read and think.小组内相互讨论不会的单词和句子。 • 展示交流



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推荐访问:人教版六上英语五单元教案7篇 英语 人教版 教案